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Showing posts from October, 2018

Adding to My Artistic Toolbox!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been years since I last used Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. But recently, I have decided to dive into the world of digital art. I was too comfortable with using a plain ol' pencil and some paper to create art. Over the years, I have forced myself to create art with watercolors, oil pastels, colored pencils, and beyond. It is very important for me to constantly find and master different tools and ways to express myself creatively; I enjoy the challenge. Art has always been a constant in my life--something that I can turn to when I need something to make sense of everything around me. I will especially need art now, as I continue to create a new life for myself in the Seattle area. This move has not been the easiest, but finding the right fits for me should take time and should be a process anyway. These things do not happen overnight when done the right way. So, I hope to be taking more pictures and creating more art in general, as I try to piece together my...

Fall 2018!!!

It has been an amazing past 3 months: I worked a lot, learned new things, traveled quite a bit, and created more art. I am beyond grateful! Some more big changes are in the works right now, so I am putting all my efforts into making sure that all my ducks are in a neat row. A lot is up in the air right now, so to speak, but I do know that I will be learning and growing some more, so I know that I will end up in a better place, regardless. #Excelsior