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Showing posts from 2020

I Still Had a Very Lovely Summer


The City Lives

There has been much speculation about the future of NYC recently. But I know that the city will survive and thrive. As someone who grew up in the NYC metro area, I know firsthand how resilient and resourceful its people are. #NYC #BetterDaysAhead #KeepFighting #StayStrong

Some Fan Art Therapy!?!

Times are very scary right now. I have no idea if I can even dare to dream and plan anymore because everything is so uncertain. So, I am clinging to art right now. Art is something that has always been a part of my life. Art is also proof that I can make something out of nothing--and that I can ultimately make it through all of this. #Art #Therapy

Some of My "Quarantine" Art

Even though the last few months have been incredibly stressful and scary, I have been able to make time to create some art--and in the process, to maintain my sanity. #Art #SelfCare #Life #CopingMechanisms

The Not-So-Distant Past: The Good Ol' Days

A lot has happened and a lot has changed. I pray for the day when I can explore and celebrate with my friends without face masks and hand sanitizers, again. #PrayingForBetterDays