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Showing posts from October, 2019

An Afternoon at the Museum

Sometimes, the best getaway is not so faraway. Museums have an amazing power to show you that life's everyday troubles are not really worth the stress. At the end of the day, we have a finite amount of time that we have to allocate wisely, based on our individual value systems and life goals. #LifeGoesOn

Fall in the City that Never Sleeps!!!

I have been back in the NYC metro area for 6 whole months now; and I am really glad that I made the difficult decision to move back. Being around my family and friends has truly given me a new perspective on what I need to accomplish for the next chapter of my life. And it definitely does not hurt that there is always something fun to see and do in the city. ;-)

The Magic of Quebec!!!

I recently returned from my most recent trip to Canada; and every time I leave, I always feel a little bit more sad. As much as I love America and New York, I cannot help but feel as though I am meant to live elsewhere. Maybe that is just my wanderlust. But I do sometimes wonder whether my "real" home is a foreign country like Canada.