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Showing posts from December, 2017

Farewell, 2017!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As 2017 comes to a close, I am really proud of what I have accomplished since last year. I am really excited for the new year. Hopefully, I will continue to progress and improve! #2018

More Art!!!!!!!!!

I had my last figure-drawing art class this past week. It has been quite the month, so I was a bit distracted while drawing. But this piece turned out okay, I guess. Here is to more art in 2018!

One Year Later!

It has been a year since I returned, and I spent the start of December with one of my best friends since high school. Good friends and good family are priceless!

Getting Rusty!?!

I had not drawn since the week before Thanksgiving, so I was pretty bad this week. Who knew that all it takes is 1 week to get rusty?!?!